
Ergon Training is a non-profit organization that aims to improve pre-professional skills through vocational education and training, always applying the principles of experiential learning and adult education. Ergon Training has considerable experience in adult training on issues related to communication and transversal skills, thus playing a serious role in Lifelong Learning.

CONNECT YOUR CITY (CYC) is the pioneer integrated Youth Center, based in Nicosia, Cyprus, part of a wider European Network of “Connect Your City” Initiatives. The vision of CYC is to establish a network of centers young people who are active at the level the neighborhood, at a European Scale and through these centers to empower the youth to have an active and positive impact in their local societies. CYC is acting as a physical and virtual open space for young people to interact and develop their capacity to utilize creative their free time, to develop their skills through training programs and at the end to be guided to access the labor market. CYC is specialized in youth empowerment through social innovation, environmental awareness, social skills development, technology and new media, arts, sports and culture.

FCB is an NGO based in Belgium which wants to develop and promote training and adult education, particularly in Brussels and globally in the French speaking region. It was established in 2019 to meet the needs of all citizens who wish to participate in various learning activities in order to increase active citizenship. FCB aims, through education, training and the fight against inequalities, to build the conditions for the emancipation of people and an active citizenship, without any exclusion.

Education In Progress Italia is a non-profit organization based in Messina, Italy, which operates in the framework of European project design, staff training in adult schools and adult migrant centers in Southern Italy. It also provides innovative methods to integrate students from all social and economic backgrounds into society and the labor market. The mission of the staff is to make mobility, through the Erasmus+ programme, a tool to encourage economic and social development. At Education InProgress we develop projects concerning formal, non-formal and informal educational actions with a special focus on non-vocational adult education. Furthermore, we give importance to lifelong learning pathways not directly linked to the labor market, and outside vocational training (VET sector) and higher education.